SMITH – Big Top Soda Pop
SMITH – Big Top Soda Pop A circus inspired soda pop mimicking the vibrant excitment found in vintage circuses!

SMITH Big Top Soda Pop – A circus inspired soda brand that plays on the exciting, colorful spectable of the circus. An ornate frame pays homage to the designs found on classic circus wagons, while lively type resembles fonts found on vintage circus advertisement posters.
Branding, Packaging, Product Design,
Fashion, Graphic Design, Illustration,
Graphic Design, Print Design,
Branding, Graphic Design, Typography,
Graphic Design, Typography,
Graphic Design, Calligraphy, Typography,
Fashion, Graphic Design, Exhibition Design,
Branding, Graphic Design, Web Development,
Graphic Design, Print Design, Typography,
Branding, Graphic Design,